The Science of Daily Self-Discipline: Using Science and Daily Practices to Build Your Willpower, Self-Confidence, and Everyday Habits to Achieve Long-Term Goals

The Science of Daily Self-Discipline: Using Science and Daily Practices to Build Your Willpower, Self-Confidence, and Everyday Habits to Achieve Long-Term Goals

Overview: Almost 100 Cited Scientific Studies To Create Real Change In Your Life!

Self-discipline is simply having the ability to do what needs to be done

when it needs to be done. This extremely simple concept is often times

the defining factor between success and failure in near or long-term

goals. Whether that goal is to diet and exercise, write a novel, learn a

language, build a business, or any other long-term goal;

self-discipline is the quintessential component for the day-in and

day-out actions that eventually lead to success. Without consciously

developing self-discipline it is easy to fall victim to unhealthy

temptations and continually fall short of achieving your goals. However,

by building your self-discipline you are able to make healthy lifestyle

changes, patiently pursue and achieve your most desired goals, and live

a life of great fulfillment and happiness. Don't fret. If you currently

feel that you lack in self-discipline you have found your solution and

key to salvation. This book will serve you as a definitive guide to

build your self-discipline and reap the many rewards the change and

improvement will bear.

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